The Complete Pricing Solution for every retail team.

With advanced algorithms to optimize and automate pricing, our engine transforms how retailers set prices.

Understand the impact of each pricing decision

Luca measures the impact of every price change, without needing to run an A/B test, and helps you understand how your price change impacted conversion on the SKU, the category and the rest of your business.

Set up dynamic pricing

Once you trust Luca to make the right decisions on your behalf, Luca allows you to be hands-off on pricing decisions.

Simply set up a pricing strategy, a pricing cadence and Luca will auto-approve all plans.

Build product relationships

Luca allows you to set relationships between products in your catalog, such as price parity requirements, price deltas between sizes and bundling requirements.

Identify your KVIs

Luca helps you understand the role of your SKUs in your catalog, starting with auto-identifying Key Value Items and allowing you to set up specific strategies around these SKUs.

Configure business objectives

Set up Revenue, Profit and Margin targets, with specific tradeoffs between Revenue and Profit. Our AI model will goal-seek against these constraints.

Set up pricing rules

Luca allows you to set up pricing rules, such as rounding behavior, competitor price comparison, margin and price change.

Bring your team into the pricing process

Luca allows you to bring your entire team along into the pricing decision making. Assign category-level approvals to the right decision-makers.

Competitor Intelligence, you can act upon

AI-powered match algorithm that looks for exact and partial matches, allowing operators to price comparatively against exactly matched products but also reasonable substitutes.

Act on the competitor data, by setting up pricing rules.

Plan your discounting calendar

Create discount campaigns around marquee events. Add vendor-funded discounts and auto-generate your Weekly Ad campaigns.

Scenario planning

Tweak strategies and rules, to generate various pricing outputs. Compare forecast and impact across those strategies.


Ready to learn more?

Let's chat about bringing pricing intelligence into your process.