We are building the AI-powered, human-steered pricing platform for retailers.

Today, operations tasks such as pricing, market intelligence, discounting and demand forecasting in enterprise retail are manual, tedious and imprecise. The technology solutions in this space are archaic and in need of a complete overhaul. 

At Luca, we are using the recent advancements in AI technology to transform the retailers’ pricing processes, without taking away control. Retail operators know their business best, and we want to give them superpowers, powered by custom AI models trained on their own data.

We are on a mission to optimize every retail pricing process, in one multipurpose platform.

Our investors

Our story

Tanvi and Yonah met while working at Uber. At Uber, they built pricing products that created $1 billion of impact for the company.

They realized that Uber-quality pricing tools were only available to a select few companies in the world who could hire specialized data science and engineering teams. Most other businesses were running manual processes and leaving money on the table.

Luca was born from Tanvi and Yonah's shared vision to democratize pricing tools for all retailers.

Our team

Our mission is to make AI-powered optimization tools accessible to every retailer in the world. We are building the best team in the world to accomplish this mission.

Expertise backed by experience

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Want to solve hard problems and have a blast while doing it?

Our values

Customer Obsessed

Everything we do needs to answer the question - "How does this help our customers?". We run through walls to make our customers successful.

Details Matter

We are building mission-critical technology where the details matter. We do not believe in moving fast-and-breaking things. We believe in moving fast with precision.

Be Curious

We are looking for new solutions to old problems. So exploring opportunities and asking questions is in our DNA. We constantly learn, from each other and from the expertise of our customers.


Ownership means never saying "Not my circus, not my monkeys". If stuff breaks, and we raise our hand to fix it.

Transparency & Trust

We are honest with each other and are low-ego in our communications. We start from a place of default trust.

Have Backbone

We value strong opinions, expressed politely and informed by data. We believe in expressing these opinions through writing and and prototyping.


Ready to learn more?

Let's chat about bringing pricing intelligence into your process.